Monday, September 17, 2012

Are you ready for some Football??

Football season has officially started and thankfully the drought has somewhat ended here in Shanghai.  In the past year, there have become more options for us to watch both NFL and college games, some even live.  Technology, Doug's best friend.  So, Doug is officially a happier person now and has a little buddy for all the games.  

Our stats man, Eric, can tell you who the Packers are playing in which week and what the scores of all the games have been to date.  He changes into his Packer uniform every day, helmet and all, and has games with himself and his imaginary teammates in our living room.  (The Packers always win of course, even though the Bears have come close a few times!)  He comes home from school on game days and his first question is "What was the score of the game?"  Even Sophia is asking about the Packers.  I think it is safe to say they have officially been brainwashed.  But Doug says he is ok with that since he was also brainwashed at a very early age.  We just need to work those Hokies in there a bit too...

Here are a few videos of the kids practicing their skills with Daddy.  Not sure if Doug is being completely fair here, but it has good entertainment value!

Our City

And our crazy kids...We wouldn't change a thing.