Sunday, June 22, 2008

Who's Calling??

Forget all the trucks, animals, blocks, noise makers, etc, etc...Eric has found his new favorite toy. All weekend we would say "ring, ring" and he would immediately drop whatever he was doing and run to his phone to answer it. I have no idea where he learned it! ;O)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Not unlike most people who have seen the cartoon, Eric doesn't quite understand the story behind Spongebob Squarepants. All Eric knows is that they both have 2 very big front teeth...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Swinging is FUN!

Eric and I spent the morning at the local kiddie pool and then hit the swings to help dry off. I was lucky enough to capture this picture. What I would pay to be a kid again...pure FUN!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Eric takes Maine by Fire!

Just in case you didn't hear on the news, Maine was invaded last weekend by the Lohses. In classic Beverly Hillbilly style, Val, Dianne (Doug's mom), Eric, and Pokey hit the road with not a ounce of space to spare. Doug followed us up there in car #2 later in the day and brought up everything else we couldn't fit. (It truly is amazing how much stuff this little man needs!) Luckily, Dena, Matty, and Rubbles have a nice size home in the woods of Arrowsic, Maine so we had plenty of room to spread out all of our nonsense.

We had a jammed pack weekend of shopping, golf, beach-going, and crafting (I am sure there will be a post later in the week on with some of our creations!). It was a great time and Eric really enjoyed himself. The beach was alot of fun. Eric even took on a small wave of 50 degree water head-on without even batting an eye. Our little risk taker! He only ate a few small handfuls of sand and took a few gulps of salt water! We will definitely be spending lots of time at the beach this summer!