Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So, maybe we are bad parents. Or maybe we are just procrastinators. Or maybe we just knew that if we waited, we would get the perfect shot. My vote is for the later. ;O)

We FINALLY got some professional pictures taken of Eric. We were able to take advantage of a "warmer" day and got some awesome shots. Here are a few of our favorites.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

World Traveler

The Hokies won the ACC Championship (thanks in part to his good luck Baby Hokie shirt), so now he is off! Next stop...North Carolina!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


While we didn't find out if it is a boy or a girl, we have officially come up with a temporary name until we meet this little one (compliments of Grandpa Darwin).

TOK...The Other Kid

Poor thing. Already taking a back seat to Eric. Now I understand how these battles between siblings get started.

Below are some pictures from our 18-week ultrasound!

The baby is facing down in the top one and facing up in the bottom one.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We had an awesome time in Maine at Matty and Dena's for Thanksgiving. Doug's parents drove out from Wisconsin (22 hours!) so we had the entire Lohse/Bachman clan present. It was a lot of fun. I honestly don't know what we did to entertain ourselves before Eric came along. I have posted a slide show of my favorite pics on the main page of the blog.

A few highlights...Eric had more sugar on Thanksgiving than I think he has had cumulatively in his entire life. Pumpkin Pie and Cranberries are new favorites. Here is just a glimpse of the repercussions of our actions.

On Friday we went all drove into Bath to cut down a Christmas tree. Eric found an apple tree and a tractor that he got to drive. As a result, we have our first non-"D" word (Apple) and Eric is into steering wheels!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Eric and I had a very proud moment today...

After a 100+ visits over the past 2.5 years, we were finally inducted as Chipotle groupees!

We couldn't be prouder! Did I mention I LOVE CHIPOTLE!?

Monday, November 17, 2008

I work TOO hard!!!

As with most things with kids, the simplest, most routine thing can prove to create many unexpected laughs . A recent visit into Doug's office did not disappoint.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

All Dressed Up

Eric wore his sport coat to church this week. It is so cute that I may have to dress him in it every day!

Monday, November 10, 2008


We had a fantastic day in the city this past weekend with Auntie Meg, Uncle Todd, and Wyatt. After our stroll down Newbury Street, we decided to visit the Carousel in the Boston Commons with the boys. Wyatt thought it was pretty cool. And Eric was well....a bit excited.

***Note: We have been teaching Eric sign language. The sign for "please" is rubbing of your chest.***

It was tough to get a good shot, but here are a few of the boys.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baby Lohse Number 2 ????

Yes, that's right...we are expecting another little one around May 3rd. While Eric is still oblivious to how much his life will change, Pokey has already picked up on it and is looking for her first opportunity to escape the Lohse household. But first, she must figure out how to strap that 40lb bag of dog food to her back!

Here is our first picture of what Doug is convinced is our little girl...

Monday, November 3, 2008


We pulled out the infant car seat for cousin Wyatt and Eric just can't get enough of it. Looks like he isn't the only one that misses the days when he was itsy bitsy!
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

Year 1...Yoda.

Year 2...Farmer Eric.

We had alot of fun this year as Eric was totally into Halloween. He wasn't really sure what was going on with the outfit, the veggies in his pocket and the wheat in his back pocket, but once we got to our first party with all his friends, he was all into it.

Charlestown has a huge parade with all the kids in town around the Bunker Hill monument, including a band that leads the way and glow sticks for all the kids. Eric loved the band and thought they were pretty awesome.

We then thought we would try a little trick-or-treating and we were amazed at how quickly he picked up on it. By the 3rd house, he was running to the door with his hand already extended. Doug claims I was pimping him out to bring home the good candy...but really I was just being a good Mom trying to make sure he got the full experience!

When we got home, Eric was pretty protective of his candy. But Dad, Mom, Auntie Dena, and Uncle Matty dug in pretty quick after the little man was fast asleep in his bed. ;O)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brothers don't shake hands...they run marathons together...

One last picture from the marathon, and it happens to be my favorite.

Running shoes - $110
Dry-fit clothes - $75
Glide (nothing worse than chaffing...) - $7
Crossing the marathon finish line with your brother-in-law - priceless.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Planes, Trains, & Automobiles (and Dump Trucks!)

Traveling with a toddler is never easy, but I have to say that this trip was pretty stress-free for us. Eric was SO good on the plane both there and back (which I was SO thankful for since I flew with him by myself). We were lucky to have a full row for him to play in there and back. Someone was looking out for me!

For anyone that has been around Eric, one of the first things they notice is that he is an observer. He has to see how everything works and once he figures it out he has to do it over and over again. This was no different with the dump truck that Grandpa Wisch has been saving for him. He loved putting stuff in and dumping it out... ...but he was even more excited when he found out he could ride inside! Better than any amusement park rides and it kept him super busy. ;O)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eating, Southern Style

Like most toddlers, Eric has his hunger strike days. Days where we dread meal time because it always ends up in alot Eric shaking his head "no" and food getting thrown to the wolves (well, not wolves, but Pokey circles the high chair like a wolf!)

While in SC, we seemed to have turned over a new leaf. Not sure if it was the Southern cooking or what, but if hush puppies, sweet tea, french fries, and animal crackers can change Eric's mind on eating, I am all for it.

Before tasting the goodness...
And after...
Now, meal time is fun again... ;O)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Why do the Birds not like Me?

One of Eric's favorite activities is chasing birds. Like Pokey, he is pretty confident that he can catch them, but then as he gets closer to them, they of course fly away. He always looks pretty confused when this happens and looks at us like he is saying "Why won't they play with me? What did I ever do to them? "

He loved chasing all the seagulls at the beach, but still doesn't quite get it...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Uncle Nate, the Natural

Looking at the picture above, you can tell that my brother is a riot! He keeps us laughing non-stop and always comes up with the best one-liners. You can tell that Eric appreciates his sense of humor as well, not to mention the personal pool that his Uncle Nate built for him.

I can't tell who liked it more, Eric or Nate! ;O)