Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Val enters her dirty 30s!

Val crossed a major milestone today, she turned 30 years old!

Her big gift was a cool 3 wheeler that she and Eric will be able to enjoy all summer.

By the looks of it, Eric is a natural and will be cruising the neighborhood in style with his momma...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lohses Running Wild

Well, ok...not really wild, but we are crazy, no doubt.

Up here in New England, where we are just starting to see warm weather, most people spend their Memorial Day weekend at the Cape or in Newport, RI. However, since we have not made any formal connections to the Kennedys or anyone else with millions of extra $$ to spend on a "beach house" and since we didn't want to spend the 3-5 hours in the 10+mile traffic jam trying to get back to the city yesterday, we decided to stay in town, BBQ, stroll around the city, and run 13.1 miles. Yes, a little odd we know, but really a half marathon is just a drop in the bucket for our obsessed runner, future ultra-marathoner Mr. Doug Lohse. Plus, what better way to spend a Sunday morning than to get up at 4AM to eat the breakfast of champions (a big bowl of Lucky Charms of course) and then run through a quiet, beautiful city with swarms of people cheering you on.

Overall, with both Doug and I being sick all week, we did really well. Our official times are below:

Doug- 1:55:51 (8:51 min pace)
Val- 1:49:21 (8:21 min pace)

We were only "slightly" off the winning time of 1:14:24 set by Tyler Goodspeed. Yes, you read that right Goodspeed...I couldn't make these things up if I tried. ;O)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Feed Me!

I can already tell that Eric is going to be a very active 10 months he is already trying to climb into the tub, get up on the couch using Pokey as a step, and he treats momma's lap as a means to get to what he wants (usually a Diet Coke can).

On Tuesday, after spending 5 minutes trying to stop him from arching his back to prevent me from getting him to sit down in the stroller, we finally got on the road with Pokey for our evening walk. Our stroller has a little window on the top of the canopy so I can see what he is doing inside (usually sleeping). This particular day I noticed that only one of his little legs was bouncing in and out as we rolled along. I stopped the stoller and went around to take a look and this is what I found....

I couldn't help but laugh, as he looked at me like he had gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Guess I need to give him a couple more Cheerios with dinner tonight!

Lohses hit the big time!

Honestly, I am amazed it has taken this long for the Lohse family to create an Internet presence. With Doug as addicted to technology gadgets as he is and Val in the industry, there is really no excuse. But we are here now and excited to be here. Being so far from many of our friends and family, this will allow us to share what is going on with our family, especially now that Val is going to be staying home full time with Eric. Exciting stuff!

So, stay tuned for pictures, family news, tidbits of info we find interesting, and whatever else we think would be fun to talk about.