Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's Official...We have entered Yankee Country!

It is official...we have moved to Horseheads, NY. While both Doug and I feel like we are living in someone else's house, we indeed own a new house in the great state of New York. We are still getting settled, unpacking and such, but we are making it our own. Amazing we have been here a week already!

Here are a few pics of the house. PLEASE! Come visit!

Our neighbors
Our helper

The Playroom (We have WAY too many toys for this kid!)
The Kitchen (my favorite room!)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome Sophia Marie Lohse!

If you could only have seen the shock on my face when they told me I was completed dilated when we got to the hospital....I was only hoping for 5cm!  So, I owe Sophia my first of many apologies as her mother.  I thought she was going to cause lots of pain and agony, but she decided that she was ready after less than 4 hours of labor.  Thank goodness we live so close to the hospital!

Sophia Marie Lohse entered the world last night April 30th @ 10:10PM weighing in at 8lbs 4ozs and 20 inches long.  (We are pretty sure she is going to give Eric a run for his money!)  She is perfect and both her and I are doing really well.  Eric has already been into visit and so far so good. It helps that we have world's largest crane outside my window and a constant flow of trucks, buses, and ambulances.  

We will post more later...but for now, mom is going to take advantage of her last hours of silence before the chaos resumes and grab a quick nap. ;O)