One more thing that Doug can take off his "Do Before I Die" list. Yesterday, Doug successfully completed the Boston Marathon in 4 hours, 19 min, & 27 seconds. As Doug would tell you, one of the best days of his life. In his words, "I won't lie to you...this is the best feeling in the world. I feel like a rock star!" For those of you that have heard the story, it has even surpassed the day his high school football team won their first game after a 28-game losing streak. So as you can see, quite the day.
Matty also finished in great form and did really, really well. Finished right around the 4 hour and 30 min mark. So, success all around!
Obviously, one of the major highlights of the day was the impact that Doug and his other Children's Hospital team members will have on children all over the world. To date, over 1 million dollars has been raised by his 220 team members, over $6200 by all of our friends & family.
We thank you and the children thank you.
Doug couldn't have done it without everyone's generosity and support.
So, what next? Nike said it best..."Today you may feel like you'll never run a marathon again. See you next year!"